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No matter how much time you have or where you are in the world, there are ways you can help! Every drop of water has a ripple effect, and everyone impact counts no matter how big or small 


These animals are facing a multitude of devastating impacts, and it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged. However, there are countless people and organizations motivated and dedicated to conserving these species in a variety of ways. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it may be helpful to find an issue you are passionate about and focus on it. On this page you can find a list individual actions, as well as organizations working to maintain ocean health though out the Salish Sea. 

Speak Out for the Animals 

While orcas do have the ability to communicate with one another using different dialects, they aren't unable to voice their needs to people. That is why it is important that we use our voices to speak out for those who can't speak for themselves. Both Wild Orca and PNW Protectors have developed great resources to for speaking out! 

Consume Responsibly 

Responsible consumption of goods, services, and media plays a vital role in SRKW recovery.


For those of you who enjoy eating fish, it is important to eat sustainably wild caught fish. Check out the Seafood Watch page to find a guide for sustainable eating. 


Toxins from plastics and chemicals that make their way into the ocean, consequently make their way into the bodies of animals thorough out the Salish Sea. Plastic particles have been found in Orca blubber, which impacts their ability to reproduce. Being mindful of the chemicals or house hold products that go down the drain as well as the amount of plastic consumed can be life saving. It is often better not to completely eliminate plastic all together give that 91% of plastic doesn't get recycled


It is also important to be mindful to of the media you consume as well. Not everything on the internet is true, click here to find a guide for trustworthy information. Having the most accurate scientific information is crucial. To find news about the Southern Residents click here!  

Raise Awareness 

The first step to cultivating action is raising awareness. Having a conversation is an action you can take which cost nothing but time. Share your interest in whales with you family, friends, and members of the community. You never know who you could inspire and every action counts! 

Organizations You Can Help

There are many organizations working to conserve Salish Sea Habitat. Download the document below to find organization you can support through volunteering and financial contributions.


If you are part of an organization, or know an organization who you think should be included in this list, please send us an email at 

Support this Podcast Directly

Education is the first step for cultivating positive change. Effective action cannot be taken unless people are well informed. Breaching Extinction is currently funded and produced by host, Erica Wirth in her spare time. She is  working to expand educational outreach through videos and conservation campaigns, but is restricted by lack of funding for these project. Supporting this podcast through Pateron memberships, donations, & merchandise purchases helps with the cost of equipment, educational campaign materials, and other resources. All contributions greatly appreciated!

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